About Women’s Work

About five years ago we came together to produce our first concert at the Howland Cultural Center to benefit the Sloop Woody Guthrie. Over the years we have had many people help turn these concerts into a reality:

Women's Work

Lydia Adams Davis – producer and performer

Sarah Eide – performer and publicity

Noga Cabo – performer (2018 & 2019) and graphics

Eleanor Kleiner – performer (2017) and logo design

Robin Hastey – website and publicity

Beacon Sloop Club www.BeaconSloop.org

Woody Guthrie Sloop

Welcoming Hostess: Bonnie Champion

Pastries and goodies are provided by the Beacon Sloop Club coordinated by Margaret De Heus

Treats and Soups for artists: Tinya Seeger and Vicki Fox.

Howland Cultural Center

Howland Cultural Center

Craig Wolf, President

Thomas de Villiers, Vice President

Sound: TBA

There are many others to thank and we will be updating this list frequently.